How to create a custom object
To access the Application Composer, the following prerequisite access is required.
1) Pre-requisite roles:
- For Application Composer Access:
- For Custom Objects Access:
2) We Need to create Sandbox and required tools need to include in the sandbox
3) Click on left-hand side top navigator button > Configuration > SandBox
Click on SandBox.
4) Click on Create SandBox Button
A sandbox named has been created.
For this specific sandbox, the following highlighted tools have been assigned.
After assigning all the required tools, the sandbox needs to be enabled.
Once the sandbox is enabled, a yellow-highlighted popup box will appear at the top of the instance, displaying the details of the currently enabled sandbox.
5) Now navigate to Left-Hand side Navigator > Configuration > Application Composer
This is an Application Composer Main Screen.
If we don't enable sandbox than we can not able to access Application Composer.1
You can see the left-hand side panel showing all the available functionality of Application Composer.
6) For creating a custom object, click on '+' icon next to the Custom Objects.
Enter all the required field for a new custom object.
Please make sure Custom Object name can not be changed once it's created.
Also, at the time of creating a new custom object we need to assign at least 1 record name (Column Name) which is mandatory.
Once all required field entered click on the 'OK' button.
7) Once object created, System will automatically take API name Custom Object Name with '_c'
If you check left-hand side panel for that custom object, It's having default enabled functionality.
1) Fields
2) Pages
3) Actions and Links
4) Security
5) Server Scripts.
Click on "Field" from the left-hand side panel.
8) For creating new custom fields, click on Action > Create.
User has to fill up all the required details and data type for the new fields.
Here we have created 'Ref1' field.
Once all the required details filled up, click on Save and Close.
The same way we have created 'Ref2' field.
We can see all the custom fields which we have created.
Here we can see 2 tabs Customs & Standards
Custom - we are created new custom fields.
Standards - Oracle provided standard column like WHO column is available.
9) Once all the custom field created, Navigate to 'Page' tab from the left-hand side of the panel.
Oracle has provided standard functionality to Create Default pages.
Stay tuned on how to Create Default Pages